Portable Oxygen Analyzer
Part No. 19-7037
& 19-7044
Rev. 6 – October 1999
Bacharach, Inc.
621 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, PA 15068
E-mail: help@bacharach-inc.com
Printed in U.S.A.
® Registered Trademark
Because this instrument is used to detect and monitor materials and conditions which are listed by OSHA
or others as potentially hazardous to personnel and property, the information in this manual must be fully
understood and utilized to ensure that the instrument is operating properly and is both used and maintained
in the proper manner by qualified personnel. An instrument that is not properly calibrated, operated and
maintained by qualified personnel is likely to provide erroneous information, which could prevent user
awareness of a potentially hazardous situation for the instrument user, other personnel and property.
If, after reading the information in this manual, the user has questions regarding the operation, application
or maintenance of the instrument, supervisory or training assistance should be obtained before use.
Assistance is available by calling your nearest Bacharach Service Center.
TheOxor IIisacommercial-gradepor-
to 25%. This instrument shows the pres-
enceofO2 inagassamplebydrawingthe
with a probe. Part #19-7044 comes with-
out a probe (All non-probe related func-
tionsremainthesame inthisinstruction).
Other features and accessories of the
Oxor II include: A large, back-lit Liquid
from direct sun-light to total darkness; a
the instrument to be either hand held, or
hung on nearby objects; a rigid stainless
steel probe with sample filter that allows
gas samples to be taken from cramped
and confined areas (alternate probes and
condensate traps may be used).
Figure 1. Oxor II
O2 Display Range............. 0-25% O2
Accuracy .......................... ±0.8% O2
Response Time ................ 90% of final value within 40 sec.
Battery Requirements ...... 1.5 V, “C” cells, Qty. 4
Operating Time* .............. 14-16 hours, alkaline cells
Operating Temp. Range ... 23 to 104°F (-5 to 40°C)
Relative Humidity ............ 10-85% non-condensing
Weight (w/o batteries) ..... 13.6 ozs. (385 grams)
Dimensions ...................... 8.6 x 3.5 x 2.9 inches (218 x 89 x 74 mm)
* Timesarewiththebacklightturnedoff. Continuoususeofthebacklightwill
decrease battery life.
To prepare the instrument for operation, you
must install four “C” size batteries, and (if
desired) install the hose and probe as described
in the following paragraphs.
For your convenience, and to ensure that the
instrument will provide reliable O2 indications,
the O2 sensor is installed and the instrument
calibrated on a known O2 concentration at the
Battery Installation
Detach the elastic strap's metal clip at the bot-
tom of the instrument, and slide off the battery
coverasshowninFigure 2. Thenwhileobserv-
ingproperbatterypolarity, installfour“C”size
ment. (Recommended battery types: Duracell
Alkaline or equivalent). After the batteries are
installed, replace the battery cover and the
elastic-strap clip.
Figure 2. Battery
If batteries are accidently installed in the wrong polarity, a positive
electronic circuitry. The instrument will operate once batteries are
properly installed and the PTC thermistor is allowed to cool.
Probe Installation
Install the probe by sliding the end of its hose over the gas inlet port
on the top right side of the instrument as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Probe Installation
To operate the Oxor II, you simply . . .
• Set its POWER switch to ON,
• Wait for the instrument to warm up (approx. 1 minute),
• Span the display (if necessary),
• Take a gas sample.
Detailed operating procedures are presented below:
Power ON/OFF
Turn on the instrument by sliding its POWER
switch to ON. Observe that when power is first
applied, all numerical LCD segments and the deci-
mal point are tested for 5-15 seconds; after which, the LCD shows the
detected O2 level. (A minus sign may appear during power up as the
sensor stabilizes.) Turn off the instrument by sliding the POWER
switch to OFF.
Adjusting the Instrument
After being turned on and warmed up for at least 1 minute, the
instrument should indicate 20.9% in fresh air. If the instrument needs
to be zadjusted, proceed as follows:
1. Ensure that the instrument is sampling fresh air that is free of any
oxygen displacing gases.
2. Using a 1/8" flat-blade screwdriver, turn the
ADJUST potentiometer until the LCD shows
20.9%. An instrument can be considered prop-
erly adjusted with a display bounce of up to ±0.2%.
Backlight ON/OFF
The LCD can be read in low-light areas by setting the front panel
LIGHT switch to ON. The backlight stays on until turned off, or until
the POWER switch is set to OFF.
Using the Strap
The instrument's elastic strap allows the unit to be either hand-held, or
hung on nearby objects.
By sliding your hand between the instrument and its elastic strap, you
can hold onto the Oxor II with a minimum of effort. The instrument's
front panel slide switches can then be actuated by your thumb for one-
handed operation. Or, by releasing the metal clip at the bottom of the
instrument's case, you can hang the instrument by its strap on nearby
objects such as nails, sheet metal, or valve handles.
Using the Probe
Thebasicprobe, ortheoptionalrigidstainlesssteelprobewithhandle,
connected to a flexible hose with sample filter can be used to draw a
gas sample into the instrument from the room, grilles, diffusers,
furnace flues, hot-water heater flues, and from inside furnaces heat
Both hose and probe are detachable from the instrument when sam-
pling without the probe, or when sampling with a different probe is
Important: If condensation is observed within the hose, do not allow
water level to build up to a point where it cuts off flow.
Interpreting the Display
Gas Display
The LCD directly shows O2 levels in the range from
0 to 25%. The display on the right indicates a O2
level of 20.9%.
Low Battery Indications
When the battery voltage becomes low, the “LO
BAT” indicator appears. Although the instrument
will continue to operate and give percent O2 read-
ingsundertheseconditions, thebatteriesshouldbereplacedassoonas
When the battery voltage becomes too low for the
instrument to operate, a “-1” is displayed on the
LCD. No O2 readings are provided under these
Long-Term Storage
When storing the Oxor II for extended periods of time, set its POWER
Section 4.2 (Adjusting the Instrument) to make sure that the unit is
ready for use.
The Oxor II needs to be calibrated at regular intervals to ascertain that
it still meets its accuracy specification. A regular calibration schedule
should be established. Detailed calibration, maintenance procedures
and parts lists are provided in the Service Manual (19-9133).
As a quick check of the instrument’s operation, perform a response
check by exposing the instrument to a gas source which is depleted of
Oxygen (e.g., cigarette smoke, a breath held for 15 seconds or more,
smoke from a recently snuffed -out match, or bottled nitrogen). If the
instrument doesn’t show a drop in the percentage of oxygen from that
source, or if the reading is obviously in error, DO NOT use the
instrument until it has been serviced by an authorized Bacharach
Service Center.
NOTE: DO NOT use this simple response check as a sub-
stitute for ensuring the instrument is properly calibrated.
Parts List
Part No.
Battery Cover
Basic Probe/Hose Assy.
Optional Probe/hose Assy.
Bacharach Sales/Service Centers
Un it ed St a t es
Bacharach, Inc.
621 Hunt Valley Circle
New Kensington, PA 15068
Phone: 724-334-5051
Fax: 724-334-5723
E-mail: help@bacharach-inc.com
Ca n a d a
Bacharach of Canada, Inc.
250 Shields Court, Unit #3
Markham, Ontario L3R 9W7 Canada
Phone: 905-470-8985
Fax: 905-470-8963
E-mail: bachcan@idirect.com
Bacharach de México
Playa Regatas No. 473 Tercer Piso
Col. Militar Marte
Delegación Iztacalco, 08830
México D.F. México
Phones: +52-555-634-7740
E-Mail: bacharachservicio@bacharach.com.mx
E u r op e
Bacharach Instruments
Sovereign House, Queensway
Leamington Spa
Warwickshire CV31 3J R
United Kingdom
Phone: +44-1926-338111
Fax: +44-1926-338110
Email: sales@bacharach-europe.com
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