This Command Reference applies to the following Switch 4200G models:
Switch 4200G 12-Port (3CR17660-91)
Switch 4200G 24-Port (3CR17661-91)
Switch 4200G 48-Port FX (3CR17662-91)
Switch 4200G 1-Port 10Gigabit Module (XFP) (3C17666)
About the Command Line Interface
To use and navigate the command line interface of your unit, please refer to the following points for assistance:
When initially accessing the command line interface, press Enter when prompted. The User View menu for the unit
displays. This is indicated by the chevron brackets around the name of the unit at the prompt, for example,
When in the System View menu, square brackets appear around the name of the unit at the prompt, for example,
You must be in the System View menu to access the configurable CLI commands.
Some commands can be entered directly at any prompt from anywhere in the interface.
If you enter part of a command followed by a ? (with no space between), the CLI will show you all the commands
that begin in that way.
The term ‘view’ may be used interchangeably with the term ‘menu’.
The undo command is placed before the command you wish to undo, for example, undo setauthentication password.
<CTRL-A> places the cursor back to the start of the command line.
Enter the first few characters of a command and press TAB to enter the full command without having to input the
entire command (where there is only one command that starts with the entered characters).
Use the Up Arrow key at the prompt to repeat the previous command string.
Use the Delete key to delete the character after the cursor; the Backspace key deletes the character before the cursor.
When entering physical port numbers, Enter the port number as x/0/z, where x is the unit number and z is the
physical port number.
Copyright © 2006, 3Com Corporation. All rights reserved.
Part Number: 10014917 Rev. AA
Published: July 2006
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the aclcommand to define an ACL identified by a number, and enter the corresponding ACL View.
System view
Web command: Device -> ACL
Security -> IP
active region-configuration
Use the active region-configurationcommand to activate the settings of an MST (multiple spanning
tree) region.
MST Region view
Cluster view
Use the add-membercommand to add a candidate device to a cluster.
Use the address-check command to enable or disable DHCP relay security on a VLAN interface, so as to
start or stop the validity check on user addresses under the VLAN interface.
VLAN Interface view
Use the administrator-addresscommand to store the MAC address of the management device on a
member device.
Cluster view
Web command: Port -> Statistics
am user-bind
Use the am user-bind command to bind the MAC and IP addresses of a legal user to a specified port.
System view
Ethernet Port view
apply qos-profile
Use the apply qos-profilecommand to manually apply the QoS profile to the current port.
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Device -> ACL/QoS -> Profile
apply qos-profile interface
Use the apply qos-profile interface command to manually apply a QoS profile to one or more
consecutive ports.
System view
arp check enable
Use the arp check enablecommand to enable the ARP entry checking function, that is, to disable a switch
from creating multicast MAC address ARP entries for MAC addresses learned.
System view
System view
arp static
arp timer aging
Use the arp staticcommand to configure the static ARP mapping entries in the ARP mapping table.
Use the arp timer aging command to configure the aging time for dynamic ARP mapping entries.
Use the asciicommand to configure data transmission mode as ASCII mode.
System view
FTP Client view
Use the attributecommand to configure attributes of a user whose service type is lan-access.
Local User view
Web command: Administration -> System
Use the authenticationcommand to configure an authentication scheme for the current ISP domain.
ISP Domain view
Use the command authentication-mode to specify the authentication mode.
User Interface view
Use the authorization nonecommand to allow users in the current ISP domain to use network services
without being authorized.
ISP Domain view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the auto-build command to create a cluster automatically.
Cluster view
auto-execute command
Use the auto-executecommandcommand to set the command that is executed automatically after a user
logs in.
User Interface view
Use the binarycommand to specify that files be transferred in binary mode. That is, data is transferred in
binary streams.
FTP Client view
Cluster view
Cluster view
black-list add-mac
Use the black-list add-maccommand to add a device into the blacklist.
Use the black-list delete-maccommand to delete a device from the blacklist.
black-list delete-mac
boot attribute-switch
Use the boot attribute-switchcommand to switch between the main and backup attribute for all the files
or a specified type of files. This changes a file with the main attribute to one with the backup attribute, or
vice versa.
User view
User view
User view
boot boot-loader
boot boot-loader
Use the boot boot-loadercommand to configure an app file to be of the main attribute. The app file
specified by this command becomes the main startup file when the device starts the next time.
Use the boot boot-loadercommand to specify the host software that will be adopted when the current
switch or a specified switch in the fabric reboots next time.
boot boot-loader backup-attribute
Use the boot boot-loader backup-attributecommand to configure an app file to be of the backup
User view
User view
User view
boot bootrom
Use the boot bootromcommand to update the BootROM.
boot web-package
Use the boot web-packagecommand to configure a Web file to be of the main or backup attribute.
Use the broadcast-suppressioncommand to define the broadcast traffic ratio allowed on one port or each
of the ports.
System view
Web command: Port -> Administration
Use the buildcommand to configure a cluster with the current switch as the management device. Argument
name specifies the name of the cluster.
Cluster view
Use the bye command to terminate the connection to the remote SFTP server and return to system view.
SFTP Client view
Use the bye command to terminate the control connection and data connection with the remote FTP server
and quit to user view.
FTP Client view
SFTP Client view
Use the cdcommand to change the current path on the remote SFTP server.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the cdcommand to enter a specified directory on the Ethernet switch.
User view
FTP Client view
SFTP Client view
FTP Client view
Use the cd command to change the work path on the remote FTP server.
Use the cdupcommand to return to the upper directory.
Use the cdupcommand to enter the parent directory.
check region-configuration
Use the check region-configurationcommand to display the configurations of the MST regions that are
not activated.
MST Region view
User view
clock datetime
clock summer-time
clock timezone
Use the clock datetimecommand to set the current system time and date.
Use the clock summer-timecommand to set the name, time range, and offset of the daylight saving time.
Use the clock timezonecommand to set local time zone information.
Use the closecommand to terminate an FTP connection without quitting FTP client view.
Use the clustercommand to enter cluster view.
User view
User view
FTP Client view
System view
System view
cluster enable
Use the cluster enablecommand to enable the cluster function on a switch.
Use the cluster-local-usercommand to configure a Web username and password for all cluster
Cluster view
Cluster view
Cluster view
Cluster view
Cluster view
Cluster view
Use the cluster-maccommand to configure a multicast MAC address for cluster management. Run this
command only on the management device only.
cluster-mac syn-interval
Use the cluster-mac syn-intervalcommand to set the interval for the management device to send
multicast packets. This command can be executed on the management device only.
cluster-snmp-agent community
Use the cluster-snmp-agent communitycommand to configure a SNMP community for a cluster to enable
SNMP access.
cluster-snmp-agent group v3
Use the cluster-snmp-agent groupcommand to configure a SNMP group for a cluster to map SNMP
users to the SNMP view.
cluster-snmp-agent mib-view included
Use the cluster-snmp-agent mib-viewcommand to create or update the information about the MIB view
configured for a cluster.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
cluster-snmp-agent usm-user v3
Use the cluster-snmp-agent usm-user v3command to add an account to the SNMPV3 group configured
for a cluster.
Cluster view
cluster switch-to
Use the cluster switch-to command to switch between the management device and member devices
for configuration and management.
User view
cluster switch-to sysname
Use the cluster switch-to sysnamecommand to switch between the master device and a member
User view
System view
User view
command-privilege level
Use the command-privilege levelcommand to set the level of the specified command in a specified view.
Use the copycommand to copy a file.
copy configuration
Use the copy configurationcommand to copy the configuration of a specific port to other ports, to ensure
consistent configuration.
System view
System view
cut connection
Use the cut connectioncommand to cut the connection a user or a category of users by force.
Use the data-flow-format command to set the units of measure for the data flow sent to the RADIUS
RADIUS Scheme view
User Interface view
User view
Use the databitscommand to set the databits for the user interface.
Use the debuggingcommand to enable the system debugging.
Use the debuggingcommand to enable the system debugging.
User view
debugging arp packet
debugging dhcp client
debugging dhcp-relay
debugging DLDP
Use the debugging arp packet command to enable ARP debugging.
Use the debugging dhcp clientcommand to enable debugging for the DHCP client/BOOTP client.
Use the debugging dhcp-relaycommand to enable DHCP relay debugging.
User view
User view
User view
Use the debugging dldpcommand to enable specific debugging for DLDP on all ports with DLDP enabled.
Use the debugging ntp-servicecommand to debug different NTP (network time protocol) services.
Use the debugging radiuscommand to enable the debugging for RADIUS protocol.
User view
User view
User view
User view
debugging ntp-service
debugging radius
debugging snmp-agent
Use the debugging snmp-agentcommand to enable SNMP Agent debugging.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
debugging udp-helper
Use the debugging udp-helpercommand to enable UDP Helper debugging.
User view
User view
Use the deletecommand to delete a specified file stored on a switch.
Use the deletecommand to delete the specified file from the server.
Use the delete command to delete the specified remote file.
SFTP Client view
FTP Client view
Cluster view
Use the delete-membercommand to remove a member device from the cluster.
delete static-routes all
Use the delete static-routes allcommand to delete all the static routes.
System view
Web command: Device -> IP Route
Use the descriptioncommand to enter a description of an Ethernet port.
Ethernet Port view
Use the descriptioncommand to assign a description string for the VLAN.
Use the undo descriptioncommand to restore the default description string.
VLAN view
Web command: Security -> RADIUS Client
Use the descriptioncommand to assign a description string to a VLAN or a VLAN interface.
VLAN view
VLAN Interface view
Web command: Device -> VLAN
Use the descriptioncommand to define the description information of an ACL to describe the specific
purpose of the ACL.
Basic ACL view
Advanced ACL view
Layer 2 ACL view
dhcp relay information enable
Use the dhcp relay information enablecommand to enable option 82 supporting on a DHCP relay,
through which you can enable the DHCP relay to insert option 82 into DHCP request packets sent to a
DHCP server.
System view
dhcp relay information strategy
Use the dhcp relay information strategycommand to instruct a DHCP relay to perform specified
operations to DHCP request packets that carry option 82.
System view
System view
dhcp-security static
Use the dhcp-security static command to configure a static user address entry.
Use the dhcp-servercommand to map the current VLAN interface to a DHCP server group.
VLAN Interface view
dhcp-server ip
Use the dhcp-server ip command to configure the DHCP server IP address(es) in a specified DHCP
server group.
System view
User view
Use the dircommand to display the information about the specified files or directories on a switch.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the dir command to query specified files.
FTP Client view
SFTP Client view
FTP Client view
Use the dircommand to display the files in the specified directory.
Use the disconnectcommand to terminate a FTP connection without quitting FTP client view.
display acl
Use the display acl command to view the detailed configuration information of an ACL, including each
rule and its number as well as the number and size in bytes of the data packets that match the statement.
Any view
Any view
display am user-bind
Use the display amcommand to view whether address management is enabled and to display IP address
pool configuration.
display arp
Use the display arp command to display the ARP mapping table entries by entry type, or by a specified
IP address.
Any view
Any view
Any view
display arp count
Use the display arp count command to display the number of the specified type of ARP mapping entries.
display arp timer aging
Use the display arp timer agingcommand to view the current setting of the dynamic ARP aging timer.
display boot-loader
Use the display boot-loadercommand to display the information about the app startup files of a switch,
including the current app startup file name, the main and backup app startup files to be used when the switch
starts the next time.
Any view
Any view
Any view
display boot-loader
display bootp client
Use the display boot-loadercommand to display the host software (.bin file) that will be adopted when
the switch reboots.
Use the display bootp clientcommand to display BOOTP client-related information, including the MAC
address of the BOOTP client and the IP address obtained.
display brief interface
Use the display brief interface command to display the configuration information about one specific
or all ports in brief, including the port type, connection state, connection rate, duplex attribute, link type and
default VLAN ID.
Any view
Any view
display channel
display clock
Use the display channelcommand to display the details about the information channel.
Use the display clockcommand to display the current date and time of the system, so that you can adjust
them if they are wrong.
Any view
display cluster
Use the display clustercommand to display the state and basic configuration information of the cluster
that contains the current switch.
Any view
Any view
display cluster base-topology
Use the display cluster topologycommand to display the standard topology view of the cluster.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
display cluster black-list
Use the display cluster black-list command to display the current blacklist of the cluster.
Any view
Any view
display cluster candidates
Use the display cluster candidatescommand to display candidate devices of a cluster.
display cluster current-topology
Use the display cluster current topologycommand to display the current topology view or the topology
path between two points.
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display cluster members
Use the display cluster memberscommand to display the information about cluster members.
Use the display connection command to view the information for a specified connection type.
Use the display cpu command to display CPU usage of a specified switch.
display connection
display cpu
display current-configuration
Use the display current-configurationcommand to display the current configuration of a switch.
display debugging
Use the display debuggingcommand to display the enabled debugging on a specified device.
display debugging habp
Use the display debugging habpcommand to display the state of HABP debugging.
display device
Use the display devicecommand to display the information, such as the module type and operating
status, about each board (main board and sub-board) of a specified switch.
Any view
Any view
display dhcp client
Use the display dhcp clientcommand to display the DHCP client-related information.
display dhcp-security
Use the display dhcp-securitycommand to display one or all user address entries, or a specified type
of user address entries in the valid user address table of a DHCP server group.
Any view
Any view
display dhcp-server
Use the display dhcp-servercommand to display information about a specified DHCP server group.
display dhcp-server interface vlan-interface
Use the display dhcp-server interface vlan-interfacecommand to display information about the
DHCP server group to which a VLAN interface is mapped.
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display dhcp-snooping
Use the display dhcp-snoopingcommand to display the user IP-MAC address mapping entries recorded
by the DHCP snooping function.
display dhcp-snooping
Use the display dhcp-snoopingcommand to display the correspondence between user IP addresses and
MAC addresses recorded by the DHCP snooping function.
display dhcp-snooping trust
Use the display dhcp-snooping trust command to display the (enabled/disabled) state of the DHCP
snooping function and the trusted ports.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
display dhcp-snooping trust
Use the display dhcp-snooping trust command to display the DHCP-Snooping state and information
on trusted ports.
Any view
Any view
display diagnostic-information
Use the display diagnostic-informationcommand to display the system diagnostic information, or save
the system diagnostic information to a file (with a suffix of "diag") in the flash memory.
display domain
Use the display domain command to view the configuration information of a specified ISP domain or
display the summary information of all ISP domains.
Any view
Any view
Any view
display dot1x
display fib
Use the display dot1x command to view the relevant information of 802.1x.
Use the display fibcommand to view the summary of the forwarding information base.
display ftp-server
Use the display ftp-server command to display the FTP server-related settings of a switch when it
operates as an FTP server.
You can use this command to verify FTP server-related configurations.
Any view
display ftp-user
Use the display ftp-usercommand to display the settings of the current FTP user, including the user
name, host IP address, port number, connection idle time, and authorized directory.
Any view
Any view
Any view
display garp statistics
Use the display garp statisticscommand to display the GARP statistics on specified (or all) ports.
display garp timer
Use the display garp timercommand to display the values of the GARP timers on specified or all ports.
display gvrp statistics
Use the display gvrp statistics command to display the GVRP statistics about specified (or all) Trunk
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display gvrp status
display habp
Use the display gvrp statuscommand to display the enable/disable status of global GVRP.
Use the display habpcommand to display HABP configuration and status information.
Use the display habptablecommand to display the MAC address table maintained by HABP.
Use the display habp trafficcommand to display statistics on HABP packets.
display habp table
display habp traffic
display history-command
Use the display history-commandcommand to display history commands.
display icmp statistics
Use the display icmp statisticscommand to view the statistics information about ICMP packets.
display igmp-snooping configuration
Use the display igmp-snooping configurationcommand to display the configuration information about
IGMP Snooping.
Any view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
display igmp-snooping group
Use the display igmp-snooping groupcommand to display information about the IP and MAC multicast
groups under one VLAN (with vlan vlan-id) or all VLANs (without vlan vlan-id).
Any view
display igmp-snooping statistics
Use the display igmp-snooping statisticscommand to display the message statistics about IGMP
Any view
Any view
Any view
display info-center
display interface
Use the display info-centercommand to display system log settings and memory buffer record statistics.
Use the display interfacecommand to view the configuration information on the selected interface.
display interface VLAN-interface
Use the display interface vlan-interfacecommand to display the information about the management
VLAN interface, including the physical and link status, the format of the sent frames, the MAC address, IP
address (and subnet mask), description string and MTU (maximum transmit unit) of the management VLAN.
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display ip host
Use the display ip hostcommand to display all host names and their corresponding IP addresses.
display ip interface vlan-interface
Use the display ip interfacevlan-interface command to view information on the specified interface.
display ip routing-table
Use the display ip routing-tablecommand to display the summary information about the routing table.
display ip routing-table acl
Use the display ip routing-table aclcommand to display the routes permitted by the specified basic
Any view.
Any view
Any view
display ip routing-table ip-address
Use the display ip routing-table ip-address command to display the information about the routes
leading to the destination.
display ip routing-table ip-address1 ip-address2
Use the display ip routing-table ip-address1 ip-address2 command to display the information
about the routes with their destinations within the specified destination IP address range.
display ip routing-table ip-prefix
Use the display ip routing-table ip-prefix command to display the information about the routes
matching a specified IP prefix list.
Any view
Any view
display ip routing-table protocol
Use the display ip routing-table protocolcommand to display the information about specific routes.
display ip routing-table radix
Use the display ip routing-table radixcommand to view the route information in a hierarchical (tree)
Any view
Any view
display ip routing-table statistics
Use the display ip routing-table statisticscommand to display the statistics of a routing table.
display ip routing-table verbose
Use the display ip routing-table verbosecommand to display the detailed information about a routing
Any view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
display ip socket
Use the display ip socket command to display the information about the sockets in the current system.
Any view
Any view
display ip statistics
Use the display ip statisticscommand to view the statistics information about IP packets.
display isolate port
Use the display isolate portcommand to display the information about the Ethernet ports added to an
isolation group.
Any view
Any view
Any view
display lacp system-id
Use the display lacp system-idcommand to view actor system ID, including system priority and system
MAC address.
display link-aggregation interface
Use the display link-aggregation interfacecommand to display the link aggregation details about a
specified port or port range.
Use the display link-aggregation interfacecommand to display the link aggregation details about a
specified port or port range, including:
display link-aggregation summary
Use the display link-aggregation summarycommand to display summary information of all aggregation
groups, including device ID of the local end, aggregation group ID, aggregation group type, device ID of the
remote end, number of the selected ports, number of the unselected ports, load sharing type and master
port number.
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display link-aggregation verbose
Use the display link-aggregation verbosecommand to display the details about a specified
aggregation group.
display local-server statistics
Use the display local-server statistics command to view the statistics of all local RADIUS
authentication server.
display local-user
display logbuffer
Use the display local-user command to view information about all the local users or the specified
Use the display logbuffercommand to display the status of the log buffer and the records in the log
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display logbuffer summary
Use the display logbuffer summarycommand to display the summary of the log buffer.
Use the display loopback-detectioncommand to display the loopback detection status on the port.
display mac-address
Use the display mac-addresscommand to display MAC address table information.
display mac-address aging-time
Use the display mac-address aging-timecommand to display the aging time of the dynamic entry in the
MAC address table.
Any view
Any view
display mac-address multicast static
Use the display mac-address multicast staticcommand to display the multicast MAC address entries
manually configured on the switch, with each entry containing the following information: multicast MAC
address, VLAN ID, MAC address state, port number(s), and aging time of each port.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
display mac-address security
Use the display mac-address securitycommand to display the information about Security MAC address.
Any view
display mac-authentication
Use the display mac-authenticationcommand to display global information about centralized MAC
address authentication
Any view
Any view
Any view
display memory
Use the display memorycommand to display the memory usage of a specified switch.
display mirroring-group
Use the display mirroring-groupcommand to display the parameter settings of a port mirroring group.
display ndp
Use the display ndpcommand to display global NDP configuration information, including the interval to
send NDP packets, the holdtime of NDP information, and the information about the neighbors of all the
Any view
display ntdp
Use the display ntdpcommand to display the global NTDP information. The information includes the
range (in hop count) within which topology information is collected, the interval to collect topology
information (the NTDP timer), the delay time for a device to forward topology-collection requests, the delay
time for a topology-collection request to be forwarded through a port, and the time cost during the last
topology collection.
Any view
Any view
display ntdp device-list
Use the display ntdp device-listcommand to display the device information collected through NTDP.
display ntdp single-device mac-address
Use the display ntdp single-device mac-addressh-h-h command to display the information about a
specific device in detail.
Cluster view
display ntp-service sessions
Use the display ntp-service sessions command to display the status of all the sessions maintained by
NTP (Network Time Protocol) service provided by the local equipment.
Any view
Any view.
display ntp-service status
Use the command display ntp-service statusto display the NTP service status.
display ntp-service trace
Use the display ntp-service trace command to display the brief information of each NTP time server
along the time synchronization chain from the local device to the reference clock source.
Any view
display packet-filter
Use the display packet-filtercommand to view the application information of packet filtering, including
the ACL name, rule names, and application status.
Any view
Any view
display port
Use the display port command to display all current ports with their type indicated.
display port-security
Use the display port-securitycommand to display the information about port security configuration
(including global configuration and all or specific port configuration).
Any view
Any view
display port vlan-vpn
Use the display port vlan-vpncommand to display the information about the VLAN VPN configuration
of the current system, including current TPID value, VLAN-VPN ports, and VLAN-VPN uplink ports.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
display protocol-priority
Use the display protocol-prioritycommand to display the priority of protocol packets.
Any view
display protocol-vlan interface
Use the display protocol-vlan interfacecommand to display the protocol information and protocol
indexes configured for specified ports.
Any view‘
Any view
display protocol-vlan vlan
Use the display protocol-vlan vlancommand to display the protocol information and protocol indexes
configured for specified VLANs.
display qos cos-drop-precedence-map
Use the display qos cos-drop-precedence-mapcommand to display the "COS->Drop-precedence"
mapping relationship.
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display qos cos-dscp-map
Use the display qos cos-dscp-mapcommand to display the "COS->DSCP" mapping relationship.
display qos cos-local-precedence-map
Use the display qos cos-local-precedence-mapcommand to view the COS–>Local-precedence map.
display qos dscp-cos-map
Use the display qos dscp-cos-mapcommand to display the "DSCP->802.1 priority" mapping relationship.
display qos dscp-drop-precedence-map
Use the display qos dscp-drop-precedence-mapcommand to display the "DSCP->Drop-precedence"
mapping relationship.
Any view
Any view
display qos dscp-dscp-map
Use the display qos dscp-cos-mapcommand to display the "DSCP->DSCP" mapping relationship.
display qos dscp-local-precedence-map
Use the display qos dscp-local-precedence-mapcommand to display the "DSCP->Local-precedence"
mapping relationship.
Any view
Any view
display qos-interface all
Use the display qos-interface allcommand to display all the QoS settings of the port.
display qos-interface priority-trust
Use the display qos-interface priority-trust command to display the precedence mapping mode of
the switch.
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display qos-interface traffic-limit
Use the display qos-interface traffic-limitcommand to view the traffic limit settings.
display qos-interface traffic-priority
Use the display qos-interface traffic-prioritycommand to view the traffic priority settings.
display qos-interface traffic-redirect
Use the display qos-interface traffic-redirect command to view the settings of the traffic redirect.
display qos-interface traffic-remark-vlanid
Use the display qos-interface traffic-remark-vlanidcommand to display the parameter
configurations of VLAN tag remark.
Any view
Any view
display qos-interface traffic-shape
Use the display qos-interface traffic-shapecommand to view the parameter configurations of traffic
shaping on the port.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
display qos-interface traffic-statistic
Use the display qos-interface traffic-statisticcommand to view the traffic statistics.
Any view
Any view
display qos-profile
Use the display qos-profilecommand to view the configurations of the QoS profile.
display queue-scheduler
Use the display queue-schedulercommand to view queue scheduling mode and corresponding
Any view
display radius
Use the display radiuscommand to view the configuration information about all RADIUS schemes or a
specified scheme.
Any view
Any view
display radius statistics
Use the display radius statisticscommand to view the statistics information about RADIUS packet.
display rmon alarm
display rmon event
display rmon eventlog
display rmon history
Use the display rmon alarm command to display the configuration of a specified alarm entry or all the
alarm entries.
Any view
Any view
Any view
Use the display rmon eventcommand to display the configuration of a specified event entry or all the
event entries.
Use the display rmon eventlog command to display the log of a specified event entry or all the event
Use the display rmon historycommand to display the RMON history information about a specified port.
The information about the latest sample, including utilization, the number of errors, the total number of
packets and so on, is also displayed.
Any view
display rmon prialarm
Use the display rmon prialarmcommand to display the configuration of a specified extended alarm entry
or all the extended alarm entries.
Any view
Any view
display rmon statistics
Use the display rmon statisticscommand to display the RMON statistics of a specified port.
display rsa local-key-pair public
Use the display rsa local-key-pair publiccommand to display the public key of the server host key
pair. If no key pair is generated, the system prompts “%RSA keys not found”.
Any view
Any view
display rsa peer-public-key
Use the display rsa peer-public-keycommand to display the client public key of the specified RSA key
pair. If no key name is specified, the command displays all public keys of the client
display saved-configuration
Use the display saved-configurationcommand to display the content of the main configuration file in
the flash memory of a switch.
Any view
Any view
Any view
display schedule reboot
Use the display schedule rebootcommand to display information about scheduled reboot.
display snmp-agent
Use the display snmp-agentcommand to view engine ID of the local or remote SNMP entity.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
display snmp-agent community
Use the display snmp-agent communitycommand to view the information about the currently configured
community names for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c.
Any view
Any view
Any view
display snmp-agent group
Use the display snmp-agent group command to view group name, security model, state of various views
and storage models.
display snmp-agent mib-view
The display snmp-agent mib-view command is used to view the MIB view configuration information of
the current Ethernet switch.
display snmp-agent statistics
Use the display snmp-agent statisticscommand to view the statistics information about SNMP
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display snmp-agent sys-info
Use the display snmp-agent sys-info command to view the system information of SNMP configuration.
display snmp-agent trap-list
Use the display snmp-agent trap-listcommand to display trap list information.
display snmp-agent usm-user
Use the display snmp-agent usm-usercommand to view SNMP user information.
display ssh server
Use the display ssh servercommand to display the status or session information about the SSH server
display ssh server-info
Use the display ssh server-info command to display the association between the server public keys
configured on the client and the servers.
Any view
Any view
display ssh user-information
Use the display ssh user-informationcommand to display information about the current SSH users,
including user name, authentication mode, key name and authorized service types. If the usernameis
specified, the command displays information about the specified user.
display startup
Use the display startupcommand to display the startup configuration of a switch, including the name of
the current startup configuration file, the names of the main startup configuration file, and backup startup
configuration file to be used when the switch starts the next time, and so on.
Any view
display stop-accounting-buffer
Use the display stop-accounting-buffer command to view the no-response stop-accounting request
packets buffered in the device.
Any views
display stp
Use the display stpcommand to display the state and statistical information about one or all spanning
Any view
Any view
Any view
Any view
display stp region-configuration
Use the display stp region-configurationcommand to display the MST region configuration.
display tcp statistics
Use the display tcp statisticscommand to view the statistics information about TCP packets.
display tcp status
Use the display tcp statuscommand to view the TCP connection state.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
display this
Use the display thiscommand to display the current configuration performed in the current view of the
Any view
Any view
Any view
display time-range
display trapbuffer
Use the display time-rangecommand to view the configuration and status of the current time range. You
will see the active or inactive state outputs respectively.
Use the display trapbuffercommand to display the status of the trap buffer and the records in the trap
display udp-helper server
Use the display udp-helper servercommand to view the information of destination Helper server
corresponding to the VLAN interface.
Any view
Any view
display user-interface
Use the display user-interface command to view information on a user interface.
display users
display users
display version
display vlan
display vlan
Use the display users command to display the information about user interfaces. If you do not specify the
all keyword, only the information about the current user interface is displayed.
Any view
Any view
Any view
Use the display users command to display the status and configuration information about user terminal
interfaces. Use the display users allcommand to view the information on all user terminal interfaces.
Use the display versioncommand to view the software version, issue date and the basic hardware
configuration information.
Use the display vlancommand to display the ports operating in the manual/automatic mode in the current
voice VLAN.
Any view
Any view
Use the display vlancommand to view related information about specified VLANs or all VLANs.
display voice vlan oui
Use the display voice vlan ouicommand to display the currently supported OUI addresses and the
related information.
Any view
Any view
display voice vlan status
Use the display voice vlan statuscommand to display voice VLAN-related information, including voice
VLAN operation mode, port mode (manual mode or automatic mode), and so on.
Use the domaincommand to create an ISP domain and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing ISP
domain, or configure the default ISP domain.
System view
Use the dot1x command to enable 802.1x on the specified port or globally, (that is on the current device).
System view
Ethernet Port view
dot1x authentication-method
Use the dot1x authentication-methodcommand to set 802.1x authentication mode.
System view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
dot1x dhcp-launch
Use the dot1x dhcp-launch command to specify an 802.1x-enabled switch to launch the process to
authenticate a supplicant system when the supplicant system applies for a dynamic IP address through
System view
dot1x guest-vlan
dot1x max-user
Use the dot1x guest-vlancommand to enable the Guest VLAN function for specified ports.
System view
Ethernet Port view
Use the dot1x max-usercommand to set the maximum number of systems an Ethernet port can
System view
Ethernet Port view
dot1x port-control
Use the dot1x port-controlcommand to specify the access control method for specified Ethernet ports.
System view
Ethernet Port view
dot1x port-method
dot1x quiet-period
dot1x retry
Use the dot1x port-method command to specify the access control method for specified Ethernet ports.
Use the dot1x quiet-period command to enable the quiet-period timer.
Ethernet Port view
System view
Use the dot1x retry command to specify the maximum number of times a switch can transmit the
authentication request frame to supplicant systems.
System view
dot1x retry-version-max
Use the dot1x retry-version-maxcommand to set the maximum number of retries for a switch to send
version request packets to an online supplicant system.
System view
System view
dot1x timer
Use the dot1x timercommand to set the 802.1x timers.
dot1x version-check
Use the dot1x version-checkcommand to enable 802.1x client version checking for specified Ethernet
System view
Ethernet Port view
Use the duplexcommand to set the port duplex attribute.
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Port -> Administration
enable snmp trap updown
Use the enable snmp trap updowncommand to enable the port to send LINK UP and LINK DOWN Trap
System view
System view
System view
end-station polling ip-address
Use the end-station polling ip-addresscommand to configure the IP address requiring periodic testing.
Use the executecommand to execute the specified batch file.
Use the exit command to terminate the connection to the remote SFTP server and return to system view.
This command has the same function as the byeand quitcommands.
SFTP Client view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
file prompt
Use the file promptcommand to modify the prompt mode of file operations on the Switch.
System view
Use the flow-control command to enable port flow control, to avoid packet loss in the event of network
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Port -> Administration
Use the formatcommand to format a storage device.
User view
free user-interface
Use the free user-interfacecommand to reset a specified user interface to its default settings. The user
interface will be disconnected after the reset.
User view
User view
User view
free web-users
Use the free web-userscommand to disconnect a specified Web user or all Web users by force.
Use the ftp command to establish a control connection with an FTP server and enter FTP client view.
ftp cluster
Use the ftp clustercommand to establish a control connection with a cluster FTP server. This command
also leads you to FTP client view.
User view
ftp server
Use the ftp server command to configure an FTP server on the management device for the member
devices in the cluster.
Use the undo ftp servercommand to remove the FTP server configured for the member devices in the
System view
System view
ftp server enable
ftp timeout
garp timer
garp timer leaveall
Use the ftp server enablecommand to enable FTP server and allow FTP users to log in.
Use the ftp timeout command to configure connection timeout interval.
System view
Use the garp timercommand to set the GARP Hold, Join or Leaver timer value on the current port.
Use the garp timer leaveall command to set the GARP LeaveAll timer to a specified value.
Use the getcommand to download a remote file and save the file to the local device.
Use the getcommand to download a remote file and save it as a local file.
Ethernet Port view
System view
SFTP Client view
FTP Client view
gratuitous-arp learning enable
Use the gratuitous-arp-learning enablecommand to enable the gratuitous ARP packet learning
System view
Use the gvrpcommand to enable GVRP globally (in system view) or on a port (in Ethernet port view).
System view
Ethernet Port view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
gvrp registration
habp enable
Use the gvrp registrationcommand to configure the GVRP registration type on a port.
Use the habp enablecommand to enable HABP for a switch.
Ethernet Port view
System view
habp server vlan
Use the habp server vlancommand to configure a switch to operate as an HABP server and HABP
packets to be broadcast in specified VLAN.
System view
System view
habp timer
Use the habp timercommand to set the interval for a switch to send HABP request packets.
Use the headercommand to set the banners that are displayed when a user logs into a switch. The login
banner is displayed on the terminal when the connection is established. And the session banner is displayed
on the terminal if a user successfully logs in.
System view
SFTP Client view
User Interface view
Cluster view
Use the helpcommand to get the help information about the specified or all SFTP client commands.
history-command max-size
Use the history-command max-size command to set the size of the history command buffer.
Use the holdtimecommand to configure the holdtime of a switch.
Use the idle-cut command to set the user idle-cut function in current ISP domain.
ISP Domain view
Use the idle-timeoutcommand to configure the amount of time you want to allow a user interface to
remain idle before it is disconnected.
User Interface view
Ethernet Port view
igmp host-join vlan
Use the igmp host-join vlancommand to configure a routing port to join to a multicast group.
Use the igmp-snooping command to enable or disable the IGMP Snooping.
System view
VLAN view
Web command: Device -> IGMP Snooping
igmp-snooping fast-leave
igmp-snooping group-limit
Use the igmp-snooping fast-leavecommand to enable IGMP fast leave processing.
Ethernet Port view
Ethernet Port view
Use the igmp-snooping group-limitcommand to set the maximum number of multicast groups the port
can join.
igmp-snooping group-policy
Use the igmp-snooping group-policycommand to configure an IGMP Snooping filter ACL.
System view
Ethernet Port view
igmp-snooping host-aging-time
Use the igmp-snooping host-aging-timecommand to set the aging time of multicast member ports.
System view
System view
igmp-snooping max-response-time
Use the igmp-snooping max-response-timecommand to configure the maximum query response time.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
igmp-snooping router-aging-time
Use the igmp-snooping router-aging-timecommand to configure the aging time of the router port.
System view
System view
info-center channel name
Use the info-center channel name command to name the channel of the specified number.
info-center console channel
Use the info-center console channelcommand to enable information output to the console through a
specified channel.
System view
System view
info-center enable
Use the info-center enablecommand to enable the information center.
info-center logbuffer
Use the info-center logbuffercommand to enable information output to the log buffer through the
specified channel (you can also set the size of the log buffer in this command).
System view
System view
System view
System view
System view
info-center loghost
Use the info-center loghostcommand to enable information output to a log host through the specified
info-center loghost source
Use the info-center loghost sourcecommand to configure the source interface through which log
information is sent to the log host.
info-center monitor channel
Use the info-center monitor channel command to enable information output to terminals through a
specified channel.
info-center snmp channel
Use the info-center snmp channel command to enable information output to the SNMP through a
specified channel.
info-center source
Use the info-center sourcecommand to add a record (that is, an information source) to an information
System view
System view
info-center synchronous
Use the info-center synchronouscommand to enable synchronous terminal output.
Use the info-center synchronouscommand to enable synchronous terminal output, so that if system
information (such as log information) is output when the user is inputting, the command prompt and input
information are echoed after the output (note that, the command prompt is echoed in command edit state
but is not echoed in interactive state).
info-center timestamp
Use the info-center timestampcommand to set the format of time stamp included in the log/trap/debug
information or specify not to include time stamp in the information.
System view
System view
info-center timestamp loghost
Use the info-center timestamp loghostcommand to set the format of time stamp to be sent to log host.
info-center trapbuffer
Use the info-center trapbuffercommand to enable information output to the trap buffer.
System view
Use the instancecommand to map specified VLANs to a specified spanning tree instance.
MST Region view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the command interfacecommand to enter Ethernet port view. To configure parameters for a port, you
must enter the port view first.
System view
interface VLAN-interface
Use the interface vlan-interfacecommand to create a management VLAN interface and enter
management VLAN interface view.
System view
Web command: Device -> VLAN Interface
Administration -> IP Setup
ip address
Use the ip addresscommand to assign an IP address (and mask) to a management VLAN interface.
VLAN Interface view
Web command: Administration -> IP Setup -> Device -> VLAN
ip address bootp-alloc
Use the ip address bootp-alloccommand to configure VLAN interface to obtain IP address using
VLAN Interface view
ip address dhcp-alloc
Use the ip address dhcp-alloccommand to configure VLAN interface to obtain an IP address using
VLAN Interface view
System view
ip host
Use the ip hostcommand to configure a host name and the corresponding IP address for a switch.
Use the ip http acl command to apply an ACL to filter Web users.
ip http acl
System view
User Interface view
Use the ip-pool command to configure a private IP address range for cluster members on the switch to
be set as the management device.
Cluster view
ip route-static
Use the ip route-staticcommand to configure a static route.
Use the ip route-staticcommand to configure a static route, whose validity depends on detecting results
as follows: valid when the detecting result is reachable or invalid when the detecting result is unreachable.
System view
Web command: Device -> IP Route
ip route-static
Use the ip route-staticcommand to configure a static route, whose validity depends on detecting results
as follows: valid when the detecting result is reachable or invalid when the detecting result is unreachable.
System view
Use the keycommand to specify a shared key for the RADIUS authentication/authorization packets or
accounting packets.
RADIUS Scheme view
Web command: Security -> RADIUS Client
lacp enable
Use the lacp enablecommand to enable the LACP protocol on the current port.
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Port -> LACP
lacp port-priority
Use the lacp port priority command to configure port priority value.
Use the lacp system-prioritycommand to configure system priority value.
Ethernet Port view
lacp system-priority
System view
Web command: Port -> LACP
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the language-modecommand to toggle between the language modes (that is, language environments)
of the command line interface (CLI) to meet your requirement.
Use the lcdcommand to display the local work directory on the FTP client.
Use the levelcommand to set the priority level of the user.
User view
FTP Client view
Local User view
Web command: Administration -> System
link-aggregation group description
link-aggregation group mode
Use the link-aggregation group descriptioncommand to set a description for an aggregation group.
System view
Web command: Port -> Link Aggregation
Use the link-aggregation group modecommand to create a manual or static aggregation group.
System view
Web command: Port -> Link Aggregation
Use the local-servercommand to configure the parameters of local RADIUS server.
System view
Use the local-usercommand to add a local user and enter local user view.
System view
Web command: Administraion -> System Access
local-user password-display mode
Use the local-user password-display-modecommand to set the password display mode of all users.
System view
User view
Use the lockcommand to lock the current user interface and prevent unauthorized users from accessing it.
Use the logging-host command to configure a public logging host on the management device for member
Cluster view
loopback-detection control enable
Use the loopback-detection control enablecommand to enable loopback detection and control function
for Trunk ports and Hybrid ports.
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Tools -> Loopback
loopback-detection enable
Use the loopback-detection enablecommand to enable the loopback detection function globally or for
a specific port.
System view
Ethernet Port view
loopback-detection interval-time
Use the loopback-detection interval-timecommand to set the time interval for detecting the external
loopback for a port.
System view
loopback-detection per-vlan enable
Use the loopback-detection per-vlan enablecommand to configure the system to run loopback
detection on all VLANs for the Trunk and Hybrid ports.
Ethernet Port view
SFTP Client view
FTP Client view
Use the lscommand to display the files in the specified directory.
Use the lscommand to display the information about a specified remote file.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the mac-addresscommand to add/modify the MAC address table entry.
System view
Port view
Web command: Port -> Administration
mac-address max-mac-count
Use the mac-address max-mac-countcommand to configure the maximum number of MAC addresses an
Ethernet port can learn.
Ethernet Port view
mac-address max-mac-count 0
Use the mac-address max-mac-count0 command to disable a switch from learning MAC address in a
VLAN view
System view
mac-address multicast interface vlan
Use the mac-address multicastcommand to add a multicast MAC address entry.
mac-address multicast vlan
Use the mac-address multicast vlancommand to add a multicast MAC address entry.
Ethernet Port view
mac-address security
Use the mac-address securitycommand to add Security MAC address manually.
Ethernet Port view
System view
mac-address timer
Use the mac-address timercommand to set the aging time for dynamic MAC address entries.
System view
Use the mac-authenticationcommand to enable centralized MAC address authentication globally (current
device) or on specified ports.
System view
Ethernet Port view
mac-authentication authmode
Use the mac-authentication authmodecommand to set MAC address authentication mode.
System view
System view
System view
System view
mac-authentication authpassword
Use the mac-authentication authpasswordcommand to set a password for MAC address authentication
when the fixed mode is adopted.
mac-authentication authusername
Use the mac-authentication authusernamecommand to set a user name when a switch authenticates
users in fixed mode.
mac-authentication domain
Use the mac-authentication domaincommand to configure an ISP domain for centralized MAC address
authentication users.
mac-authentication timer
Use the mac-authentication timercommand to configure the timers used in centralized MAC address
System view
System view
Use the management-vlancommand to specify the management VLAN on the switch.
management-vlan synchronization enable
Use the management-vlan synchronization enablecommand to enable the management VLANs of the
member devices of a cluster to be synchronized.
Cluster view
Use the mdicommand to set port MDI attribute.
Ethernet Port view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the messenger time command to enable or disable the messenger alert and configure the related
ISP Domain view
System view
System view
System view
mirroring group
Use the mirroring-group command to configure the port mirroring group.
mirroring-group mirroring-port
Use the mirroring-group mirroring-portcommand to configure the monitored port.
mirroring-group reflector-port
Use the mirroring-group reflector-portcommand to configure a reflector port.
mirroring-group remote-probe vlan
Use the mirroring-group remote-probe vlancommand to specify the remote-probe VLAN for a given
mirroring group.
System view
Use the mirroring-port command to configure a mirroring port.
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Port -> Mirroring
Use the mkdircommand to create a directory on the remote SFTP server.
SFTP Client view
Use the mkdircommand to create a directory in a specified directory of a specified storage device.
Use the mkdircommand to create a directory on the remote SFTP server.
Use the monitor-portcommand to configure the destination monitor port.
Use the more command to display the content of a specified file.
User view
FTP Client view
Ethernet Port view
User view
Use the movecommand to move a file to a specified directory. You can also assign a new name for the file.
Use the namecommand to set a name for the assigned VLAN.
User view
VLAN view
Use the namecommand to set a name for the assigned VLAN.
VLAN view
ndp enable
Use the nas-ipcommand to set the source IP address used by the switch to send RADIUS packets.
RADIUS Scheme view
Use the ndp enablecommand in system view to enable NDP globally on the switch. When being executed
in Ethernet port view, this command enables NDP for an Ethernet port.
System view
Ethernet Port view
ndp timer aging
Use the ndp timer agingcommand to set how long a device will hold the NDP packets received from the
local device. After the aging timer expires, the device will discard the received NDP neighbor node
System view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
ndp timer hello
Use the ndp timer hello command to define how often to transmit the NDP packets.
System view
Cluster view
nm-interface vlan-interface
Use the nm-interface vlan-interfacecommand to configure an NMS interface of the management
ntdp enable
Use the ntdp enable command in system view to enable NTDP globally. When being executed in Ethernet
port view, this command enables NTDP for an Ethernet port.
System view
Ethernet Port view
ntdp explore
ntdp hop
Use the ntdp explorecommand to start topology information collection manually.
Use the ntdp hopcommand to set a range (in terms of hop count) for topology information collection.
Use the ntdp timercommand to configure the interval to collect topology information.
User view
System view
System view
ntdp timer
ntdp timer hop-delay
Use the ntdp timer hop-delaycommand to set the delay time for a switch to forward topology-collection
request packets.
System view
System view
ntdp timer port-delay
Use the ntdp timer port-delay command to set the delay time for a switch to forward a received
topology-collection request packet through its successive ports.
Use the ntdp timer port-delay command to set the delay time for a switch to forward a received
topology-collection request packet through its successive ports. A switch forwards received topology
request packets to all its ports in turn. After forwarding a received topology-collection request packet through
one port, the switch delays for specific period before it forwards the packet through the next port.
ntp-service access
Use the ntp-service access command to set the authority to access the local equipment.
System view
ntp-service authentication enable
Use the ntp-service authentication enable command to enable the NTP-service authentication
System view
System view
ntp-service authentication-keyid
Use the ntp-service authentication-keyidcommand to configure an NTP authentication key.
ntp-service broadcast-client
Use the ntp-service broadcast-clientcommand to configure an Ethernet switch to operate in NTP
broadcast client mode.
VLAN Interface view
VLAN Interface view
VLAN Interface view
System view
ntp-service broadcast-server
Use the ntp-service broadcast-servercommand to configure NTP broadcast server mode.
ntp-service in-interface disable
Use the ntp-service in-interface disablecommand to disable an interface to receive NTP message.
ntp-service max-dynamic sessions
Use the ntp-service max-dynamic-sessions command to set how many sessions can be created locally.
ntp-service multicast-client
Use the ntp-service multicast-client command to configure an Ethernet switch to operate in NTP
multicast client mode.
VLAN Interface view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
ntp-service multicast-server
Use the ntp-service multicast-server command to configure an Ethernet switch to operate in NTP
multicast server mode.
VLAN Interface view
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid
Use the ntp-service reliable authentication-keyidcommand to specify an authentication key to be
a trusted key.
System view
System view
System view
ntp-service source-interface
Use the ntp-service source-interface command to designate an interface to transmit NTP message.
ntp-service unicast-peer
Use the ntp-service unicast-peercommand to be an active NTP peer.
ntp-service unicast-server
Use the ntp-service unicast-server command to configure an Ethernet switch to operate in NTP server
System view
FTP Client view
QoS Profile view
Use the opencommand to establish a control connection with an FTP server.
Use the packet-filter command to define the packet filter function in the QoS profile.
Web command: Device -> ACL/QoS -> QoS
Use the packet-filtercommand to apply ACL rules on the port to filter packets.
Use the paritycommand to set the check mode of the user interface.
Ethernet Port view
User Interface view
Use the passive command to set the data transmission mode to be passive mode.
FTP Client view
Use the password command to configure or change the system login password for a user.
Local User view
Use the passwordcommand to set a password for the local users.
Local User View
Web command: Administration -> System
peer-public-key end
Use the peer-public-key endcommand to return to system view from public key view.
Public Key view
Any view
Use the pingcommand to check the IP network connection and the reachability of the host.
Using the portcommand, you can add one port or one group of ports to a VLAN.
VLAN view
Web command: Device -> VLAN
port access vlan
Use the port access vlan command to assign the access port to a specified VLAN.
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Port -> Administration
port hybrid protocol-vlan vlan
Use the port hybrid protocol-vlan vlancommand to deliver specified protocol-based VLANs to a port.
Ethernet Port view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
port hybrid pvid vlan
Use the port hybrid pvid vlancommand to configure the default VLAN ID of the hybrid port.
Ethernet Port view
port hybrid vlan
Use the port hybrid vlancommand to add the port to the specified VLAN(s). The port needs to have been
made a hybrid port before you can do this. See the related command below.
Ethernet Port view
Ethernet Port view
port isolate
Use the port isolatecommand to add an Ethernet port to the isolation group.
port link-aggregation group
Use the port link-aggregation groupagg_id command to add an Ethernet port to a manual or static
aggregation group.
Ethernet Port view
Ethernet Port view
System view
port link-type
Use the port link-typecommand to configure the link type of the Ethernet port.
Use the port-security enablecommand to enable port security.
port-security enable
port-security intrusion-mode
Use the port-security intrusion-modecommand to set the action mode of the Intrusion Protection
Ethernet Port view
Ethernet Port view
port-security max-mac-count
Use the port-security max-mac-countcommand to set the maximum number of MAC addresses allowed
to access the port.
port-security ntk-mode
Use the port-security ntk-mode command to set the packet transmission mode of the Need to Know
(NTK) feature.
Ethernet Port view
System view
port-security OUI
Use the port-security OUI commandto set an OUI value for authentication.
port-security port-mode
Use the port-security port-modecommand to set the security mode of the port.
Ethernet Port view
port-security timer disableport
Use the port-security timer disableportcommand to set the time during which the system temporarily
disables a port.
System view
System view
port-security trap
Use the port-security trapcommand to enable the sending of the specified type(s) of trap messages.
Use the port trunk pvid vlan command to configure the default VLAN ID for a trunk port.
port trunk pvid vlan
Ethernet Port view
port trunk permit vlan
Use the port trunk permit vlancommand to add a trunk port to one VLAN, a selection of VLANs, or all
Ethernet Port view
primary accounting
Use the primary accountingcommand to set the IP address and port number for the primary accounting
RADIUS Scheme view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
primary authentication
Use the primary authentication command to configure the IP address and port number for the primary
RADIUS authentication/authorization server.
RADIUS Server Group view
Use the prioritycommand to set the priority of Ethernet port.
Ethernet Port view
priority trust
protocol inbound
protocol inbound
Use the priority trustcommand to configure the precedence mapping mode on the port of the switch.
Use the protocol inboundcommand to configure the protocols supported in the current user interface.
Ethernet Port view
VTY User Interface view
User Interface view
System view
Use the protocol inboundcommand to specify the protocols supported by the user interface.
protocol-priority protocol-type
Use the protocol-prioritycommand to set the global traffic priority that applies to a given protocol.
Use the protocol-vlancommand to specify a VLAN is a specified type of protocol-based VLAN.
VLAN view
public-key-code begin
public-key-code begin
public-key-code end
Use the public-key-code begincommand to enter public key edit view and input the client public key.
Use the public-key-code begincommand to enter public key edit view and set server public keys.
Public Key view
Public Key view
Use the public-key-code endcommand to return from public key edit view to public key view and save the
public keys you set.
Public Key Edit view
public-key-code end
Use the public-key-code endcommand to return from public key edit view to public key view and save the
public keys you set.
Public Key Edit view
SFTP Client view
FTP Client view
Use the putcommand to upload a local file to the remote SFTP server.
Use the putcommand to upload a local file to the remote FTP server.
Use the pwdcommand to display the current directory on the SFTP server.
SFTP Client view
Use the pwd command to display the current path. If the current path is not configured, an error occurs when
you execute this command.
User view
Use the pwd command to display the current directory on the remote FTP Server.
FTP Client view
qos cos-drop-precedence-map
Use the qos cos-drop-precedence-map command to configure the "COS->Drop-precedence" mapping
System view
System view
qos cos-dscp-map
Use the qos cos-dscp-mapcommand to configure the "COS->DSCP" mapping relationship.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
qos cos-local-precedence-map
Use the qos cos-local-precedence-mapcommand to configure the "COS->Local-precedence" mapping
System view
System view
qos dscp-cos-map
Use the qos dscp-cos-mapcommand to configure the "COS->802.1p priority" mapping relationship.
qos dscp-drop-precedence-map
Use the qos dscp-drop-precedence-mapcommand to configure the "DSCP->Drop-precedence" mapping
System view
System view
qos dscp-dscp-map
Use the qos dscp-dscp-mapcommand to configure the "DSCP->DSCP" mapping relationship.
qos dscp-local-precedence-map
Use the qos dscp-local-precedence-mapcommand to configure the "DSCP->Local-precedence"
mapping relationship.
System view
System view
Use the qos-profilecommand to create a QoS profile and enter the corresponding view.
qos-profile port-based
Use the qos-profile port-based command to configure the port-based application mode of QoS profiles
on ports.
Ethernet Port view
System view
Use the queue-schedulercommand to set the queue-scheduling algorithm and parameters.
Use the quit command to terminate the connection to the remote SSH server.
Use the quitcommand to terminate the connection to the remote SFTP server and exit to system view.
User view
SFTP Client view
Use the quitcommand to terminate FTP control connection and FTP data connection and quit to user view.
This command has the same effect as that of the bye command.
FTP Client view
Use the quit command to return from current view to lower level view, or exit the system if current view is
user view.
Any view
System view
radius nas-ip
radius scheme
radius trap
Use the radius nas-ipcommand to set the source IP address used by the switch to send RADIUS packets.
Use the radius-scheme command to specify the RADIUS scheme to be used by the current ISP domain.
Use the radius schemecommand to create a RADIUS scheme and enter its view.
ISP Domain view
System view
Use the radius trapcommand to enable the switch to send trap messages when its RADIUS
authentication or accounting server turns down.
System view
User view
Use the rebootcommand to restart an Ethernet switch.
Web command: Administration -> Reboot
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
reboot member
Use the reboot membercommand to reboot a specified member device on the management device.
Cluster view
Use the region-namecommand to set an MST region name to a switch.
MST Region view
remote-probe vlan
Use the remote-probe vlan enablecommand to enable the remote-probe port mirror port feature on the
VLAN of the switch.
VLAN view
FTP Client view
SFTP Client view
SFTP Client view
Use the remotehelpcommand to display help information about the FTP protocol command.
Use the removecommand to delete the specified file from the server.
Use the renamecommand to change the name of the specified file on the SFTP server.
Use the renamecommand to rename a file or a directory. If the target file name or directory name is the
same with any existing file name or directory name, you will fail to rename a file.
User view
FTP Client view
User view
Use the renamecommand to rename a file on a remote host.
reset arp
Use the reset arpcommand to remove information that is no longer required from the ARP mapping table.
reset counters interface
Use the reset counters interface command to clear the statistics of the port, preparing for a new
statistics collection.
User view
User view
reset dot1x statistics
Use the reset dot1x statistics command to clear the statistics of 802.1x.
reset garp statistics
Use the reset garp statistics command to clear the GARP statistics (such as the information about the
packets received/sent/discarded by GVRP/GMRP) on specified (or all) ports.
User view
User view
User view
User view
User view
User view
User view
reset igmp-snooping statistics
Use the reset igmp-snooping statisticscommand to clear the IGMP Snooping statistics.
reset ip statistics
reset logbuffer
Use the reset ip statisticscommand to clear the IP statistics information.
Use the reset logbuffercommand to clear information in the log buffer.
reset ndp statistics
Use the reset ndp statistics command to reset the NDP counters to clear the NDP statistics.
reset radius statistics
Use the reset radius statistics command to clear the statistics information about the RADIUS protocol.
reset recycle-bin
Use the reset recycle-bincommand to completely delete file(s) in the recycle bin in the Flash.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
reset saved-configuration
Use the reset saved-configurationcommand to delete the configuration file that is of the specified
attribute from the Flash, including the main and backup configuration files to be used when the switch starts
the next startup.
User view
Web command: Administration -> Initialize
reset stop-accounting-buffer
Use the reset stop-accounting-buffer command to delete the buffered no-response stop-accounting
request packets.
User view
User view
User view
reset stp
Use the reset stpcommand to clear the STP statistics of specified Ethernet ports.
Use the reset tcp statistics command to clear the TCP statistics information.
reset tcp statistics
reset traffic-limit
Use the reset traffic-limitcommand to clear the statistics of the traffic policing matching with the
specified ACL rules.
Ethernet Port view
reset traffic-statistic
Use the reset traffic-statisticcommand to clear the traffic statistics of the packets matching with the
specified ACL rules.
Ethernet Port view
User view
reset trapbuffer
Use the reset trapbuffercommand to clear information in the trap buffer.
Use the retry commandto set the maximum number of transmission attempts of RADIUS requests.
Detecting Group view
retry realtime-accounting
Use the retry realtime-accountingcommand to set the maximum allowed number of continuous
no-response real-time accounting requests.
RADIUS Scheme view
RADIUS Scheme view
retry stop-accounting
Use the retry stop-accountingcommand to set the maximum number of transmission attempts of the
stop-accounting requests buffered due to no response.
Use the returncommand to return to user view from any other view.
System view or higher level views
MST Region view
Use the revision-levelcommand to set the MSTP revision level for a switch.
Use the rmdir command to delete the specified directory from the remote SFTP server.
Use the rmdir command to delete a directory.
SFTP Client view
User view
Because only empty directories can be deleted, you need to delete the files in a directory before deleting it.
Use the rmdir command to delete the specified directory from the remote FTP server.
FTP Client view
System view
You can only use this command to remove directories that are empty.
rmon alarm
Use the rmon alarm command to add an entry to the alarm table.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
rmon event
Use the rmon eventcommand to add an entry to the event table.
System view
Ethernet Port view
System view
rmon history
Use the rmon historycommand to add an entry to the history control table.
Use the rmon prialarmcommand to add an entry to the extended RMON alarm table.
Use the rmon statistics command to add an entry to the statistic table.
rmon prialarm
rmon statistics
Ethernet Port view
rsa local-key-pair create
Use the rsa local-key-pair createcommand to generate RSA key pairs, whose names are in the format
of switch name plus _host, for example, S4200G_host.
System view
System view
rsa local-key-pair destroy
Use the rsa local-key-pair destroycommand to destroy all existing RSA key pairs at the server end.
Use the rsa peer-public-keycommand to enter public key view.
Use the rsa peer-public-keycommand to enter public key view.
Use the rulecommand to define an ACL rule.
rsa peer-public-key
rsa peer-public-key
rule (Advanced ACL)
System view
System view
Advanced ACL view
Web command: Device -> ACL/ Security -> Authorized
rule (Basic ACL)
rule comment
rule (Layer 2 ACL)
Use the rulecommand to define an ACL rule.
Basic ACL view
Use the rulecomment command to define the comment string for an ACL rule.
Use the rulecommand to define an ACL rule.
Advanced ACL view / Layer 2 ACL view
Layer 2 ACL view
Use the savecommand to save the current configuration to a configuration file in the flash memory.
Any view
Web command: Save Configuration
schedule reboot at
Use the schedule reboot atcommand to schedule a reboot on the current switch and set the reboot date
and time.
User view
schedule reboot delay
Use the schedule reboot delaycommand to schedule a reboot on the switch, and set the reboot waiting
User view
ISP Domain view
User Interface view
Use the schemecommand to configure the AAA scheme to used by the current ISP domain.
Use the screen-lengthcommand to set the number of lines the terminal screen can contain.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
secondary accounting
Use the secondary accountingcommand to set the IP address and port number of the secondary RADIUS
accounting server.
RADIUS Scheme view
secondary authentication
Use the secondary authentication command to set the IP address and port number of the secondary
RADIUS authentication/authorization server.
RADIUS Scheme view
Web command: Security -> RADIUS Client
Use the security-policy-server command to set the IP address of a security policy server.
RADIUS Scheme view
Use the self-service-url command to either enable or disable the self-service server location function.
Use the sendcommand to send messages to a specified user interface or all user interfaces.
Use the server-type command to configure the RADIUS server type supported by the Switch.
ISP Domain view
User view
RADIUS Scheme view
Local User view
Use the command service-type to authorize a user access to the specified services.
Use the service-typecommand to specify the login type and the corresponding available command level.
Local User view
VLAN view
service-type multicast
Use the service-type multicastcommand to set the current VLAN as a multicast VLAN.
set authentication password
Use the set authentication passwordcommand to set the local password.
User Interface view
Web command: Administration -> System Access
Use the sftpcommand to establish a connection to the SFTP server and enter SFTP client view.
System view
System view
sftp server enable
sftp time-out
Use the sftp server enablecommand to enable the secure FTP (SFTP) server.
Use the sftp time-outcommand to set the timeout time for the SFTP user connection.
Use the shellcommand to make terminal services available for the user interface.
Use the shutdown command to disable an Ethernet port.
System view
User Interface view
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Device -> VLAN Interface
Port -> Administration
Use the shutdowncommand to disable the VLAN interface.
VLAN Interface view
Use the smartoncommand to enable the SmartOn function for an Ethernet port with supplicant systems
Ethernet Port view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
smarton password
Use the smarton passwordcommand to set the password to be used by the SmartOn function.
System view
System view
smarton switchid
smarton timer
Use the smarton switchid command to set the switch ID.
Use the smarton timercommand to set the supplicant timeout timer for SmartOn-enabled supplicant
System view
System view
Use the snmp-agent command to enable SNMP Agent.
Web command: Administration -> SNMP
snmp-agent community
Use the snmp-agent communitycommand to set a community name and to enable users to access the
switch through SNMP. You can also optionally use this command to apply an ACL to filter network
management users.
System view
Web command: Administration -> SNMP -> String
snmp-agent community
snmp-agent group
Use the snmp-agent communitycommand to set the community access name and enable access to SNMP.
System view
Use the snmp-agent groupcommand to configure a SNMP group. You can also optionally use this
command to apply an ACL to filter network management users.
System view
Web command: Administration -> SNMP -> Group
snmp-agent group
Use the snmp-agent groupcommand to configure a new SNMP group, that is, to map SNMP user to SNMP
snmp-agent local-engineid
Use the snmp-agent local-engineidcommand to set the engine ID of the local SNMP entity.
System view
System view
snmp-agent log
Use the snmp-agent log command to enable the logging function for network management.
snmp-agent mib-view
Use the snmp-agent mib-viewcommand to create or update the view information, limiting the MIB objects
to be accessed by the NMS.
System view
System view
snmp-agent packet max-size
Use the snmp-agent packet max-size command to set the maximum size of SNMP packet that the Agent
can send/receive.
snmp-agent sys-info
Use the snmp-agent sys-info command to configure system information such as geographical location of
the device, contact information for system maintenance and version information of running SNMP.
System view
System view
snmp-agent target-host
snmp-agent trap enable
snmp-agent trap life
Use the snmp-agent target-hostcommand to command to configure destination of SNMP Trap packets.
Web command: Administration -> SNMP -> Traps
Use the snmp-agent trap enablecommand to enable the device to send Trap packets.
System view
Web command: Administration -> SNMP -> Traps
Use the snmp-agent trap lifecommand to set aging time for Trap packets.
System view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
snmp-agent trap queue-size
Use the snmp-agent trap queue-sizecommand to configure the information queue length of a Trap packet
sent to the destination host.
System view
System view
snmp-agent trap source
Use the snmp-agent trap sourcecommand to configure the source address for sending Trap messages.
snmp-agent usm-user
Use the snmp-agent usm-usercommand to add a new community name or, if you use the V3 parameter,
a new user to an SNMP group.
System view
Web command: Administration -> SNMP -> Users
snmp-agent usm-user
Use the snmp-agent usm-usercommand to add a new user to an SNMP group. You can also optionally
use this command to apply an ACL to filter network management users.
System view
System view
snmp-agent usm-user
snmp-agent usm-user
Use the snmp-agent usm-usercommand to add a new user to an SNMP group.
Use the snmp-agent usm-usercommand to add a new community name or, if you use the V3 parameter,
a new user to an SNMP group.
System view
Use the snmp-hostcommand to configure an SNMP host for the member devices inside a cluster on the
management device.
Cluster view
User Interface view
Ethernet Port view
Use the speedcommand to set the transmission speed of the user interface.
Use the speedcommand to configure the port rate.
Web command: Port -> Administration
ssh client assign rsa-key
Use the ssh client assign rsa-keycommand to specify on the client the public key for the server to be
connected to guarantee the client can be connected to a reliable server.
System view
System view
ssh client first-time enable
Use the ssh client first-time enablecommand to configure the client to run the initial authentication.
ssh server authentication-retries
Use the ssh server authentication-retriescommand to set authentication retry number for SSH
System view
System view
System view
ssh server timeout
Use the ssh server timeoutcommand to set authentication timeout time for SSH connections.
ssh user assign rsa-key
Use the ssh user assign rsa-keycommand to allocate public keys to SSH users.
ssh user authentication-type
Use the ssh user authentication-typecommand to define on the server the available authentication type
for an SSH user.
System view
System view
ssh user service-type
Use the ssh user service-typecommand to specify service type for a user.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the ssh2 command to enable the connection between SSH client and server, define key exchange
algorithm preference, encryption algorithm preference and HMAC algorithm preference on the server and
System view
User view
User view
startup bootrom-access enable
Use the startup bootrom-access enablecommand to specify a switch to prompt for the customized
password before entering the BOOT menu.
startup saved-configuration
Use the startup saved-configurationcommand to specify the main or backup configuration file for a
switch to start the next time.
Web command: Administration -> Restore Configuration
Use the statecommand to configure the state of the current ISP domain/current user.
ISP Domain view
Local User view
Use the statecommand to configure the state of RADIUS server.
RADIUS Scheme view
stop-accounting-buffer enable
Use the stop-accounting-buffer enable command to enable the switch to buffer the stop-accounting
requests that bring no response.
RADIUS Scheme view
Use the stopbitscommand to set the stop bits of the user interface.
Use the stp command to enable or disable MSTP globally or for a port.
User Interface view
System view
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Device -> Spanning Tree
Port -> Spanning Tree Per Port
stp bpdu-protection
stp bridge-diameter
Use the stp bpdu-protectioncommand to enable the BPDU protection function.
System view
Use the stp bridge-diametercommand to set the network diameter of a switched network, which is
represented in terms of the maximum number of switches between any two terminals in a switched network.
System view
Ethernet Port view
Ethernet Port view
stp config-digest-snooping
Use the stp config-digest-snoopingcommand to enable the digest snooping feature.
stp cost
Use the stp costcommand to set the path cost of a port in a spanning tree instance.
stp edged-port
Use the stp edged-port command to configure the current Ethernet port as either an edge port or a
non-edge port.
Ethernet Port view
System view
stp interface
Use the stp interfacecommand in system view to enable or disable MSTP for specified ports.
stp interface config-digest-snooping
Use the stp interface config-digest-snoopingcommand to enable the digest snooping feature.
System view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
stp interface cost
Use the stp interface costcommand to set the path cost of specified ports in a specified spanning tree
System view
stp interface edged-port
Use the stp interface edged-port command to configure the specified Ethernet ports to be either edge
ports or non-edge ports.
System view
System view
System view
stp interface loop protection
Use the stp interface loop-protectioncommand to enable the loop prevention function.
Use the stp interface mcheckcommand to perform the mCheck operation for specified ports.
stp interface mcheck
stp interface no-agreement-check
Use the stp interface no-agreement-checkcommand to enable the rapid transition feature on a specified
System view
System view
System view
System view
stp interface point-to-point
Use the stp interface point-to-pointcommand to specify whether the specified Ethernet ports are
point-to-point links.
stp interface port priority
Use the stp interface port priority command to set the port priority of specified ports in a spanning
tree instance.
stp interface root-protection
Use the stp interface root-protectioncommand to enable the root protection function for specified
stp interface transmit-limit
Use the stp interface transmit-limitcommand to set the maximum number of BPDUs that each
specified port can send within a Hello time interval.
System view
stp loop-protection
stp max-hops
Use the stp loop-protectioncommand to enable the loop prevention function for the current port.
Ethernet Port view
Use the stp max-hopscommand to set the maximum hop count of the MST region to which the switch
System view
stp mcheck
Use the stp mcheckcommand to perform the mCheck operation for the current port.
Use the stp modecommand to set the MSTP operation mode of the switch.
Ethernet Port view
System view
stp mode
System view
Web command: Device -> Spanning Tree
stp no-agreement-check
Use the stp no-agreement-checkcommand to enable the rapid transition feature on the current port.
Ethernet Port view
stp pathcost-standard
Use the stp pathcost-standardcommand to set the standard used for calculating the default path costs
of ports.
System view
stp point-to-point
Use the stp point-to-pointcommand to specify whether the port must connect to point-to-point link.
Ethernet Port view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
stp port priority
Use the stp port prioritycommand to set the priority of the current port in a specified spanning tree
Ethernet Port view
System view
stp priority
Use the stp prioritycommand to set the priority of a switch in a spanning tree instance.
stp region-configuration
Use the stp region-configurationcommand to enter MST region view.
System view
stp root primary
Use the stp root primarycommand to configure the current switch to be the root bridge of a specified
spanning tree instance.
System view
stp root-protection
stp root secondary
Use the stp root-protectioncommand to enable the root protection function for the current port.
Ethernet Port view
Use the stp root secondarycommand to configure the current switch as a secondary root bridge of a
specified spanning tree instance.
System view
System view
stp tc-protection
stp timer-factor
Use the stp tc-protection command to enable or disable the TC-BPDU attack prevention function for
the switch.
Use the stp timer-factorcommand to set the timeout time of a switch in terms of the multiple of the Hello
System view
System view
System view
System view
stp timer forward-delay
Use the stp timer forward-delaycommand to set the Forward delay for a switch.
stp timer hello
Use the stp timer hellocommand to set the Hello time for a switch.
Use the stp timer max-agecommand to set the maximum age of a switch.
stp timer max-age
stp transmit-limit
Use the stp transmit-limit command to set the maximum number of configuration BPDUs the current
port can transmit within a Hello time.
Ethernet Port view
User view
Use the supercommand to switch the current user level to the one identified by the level argument.
Use the super passwordcommand to set the password for users to switch to a higher user level.
Use the sysnamecommand to set a domain name for the switch.
super password
System view
System view
Web command: Administration -> SNMP -> Setup
Use the sysnamecommand to set the system name of the Switch.
Enter system-view to enter the system view from the user view.
System view
User view
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
tcp timer fin-timeout
tcp timer syn-timeout
tcp window
Use the tcp timer fin-timeout command to configure the TCP finwait timer.
System view
System view
Use the tcp timer syn-timeout command to configure the TCP synwait timer.
Use the tcp windowcommand to configure the size of the transmission and receiving buffers of the
connection-oriented socket.
System view
Use the telnetcommand to log in to another Ethernet switch from the current switch via Telnet for remote
User view
User view
User view
User view
User view
User view
System view
User view
User view
User view
terminal debugging
terminal debugging
terminal logging
terminal monitor
terminal trapping
Use the terminal debuggingcommand to configure to display the debugging information on the terminal.
Use the terminal debuggingcommand to configure to display the debugging information on the terminal.
Use the terminal loggingcommand to enable log terminal display.
Use the terminal monitorcommand to enable the debug/log/trap terminal display function.
Use the terminal trappingcommand to enable terminal trap information display.
Use the tftpcommand to set the TFTP data transfer mode.
tftp cluster get
tftp cluster put
tftp get
Use the tftp cluster getcommand to download a specified file from a cluster TFTP server.
Use the tftp putcommand to upload a specified file to a specified directory of a cluster TFTP server.
Use the tftp getcommand to download a file from a TFTP server to this switch.
Web command: Administration -> Restore Configuration
tftp put
Use the tftp putcommand to upload a file from the switch to the specified directory on the TFTP server.
User view
Web command: Administration -> Backup Configuration
Use the tftp-servercommand to configure a TFTP server for cluster members on the management
Cluster view
tftp-server acl
Use the tftp-server acl command to specify the ACL (Access Control List) adopted for the connection
between a TFTP client and a TFTP server.
System view
System view
Use the time-rangecommand to define a time range.
Web command: Device -> ACL/QoS -> Time Range
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the timercommand to set the interval to send handshake packets.
Cluster view
Use the timercommand to set the response timeout time of RADIUS server (that is, the timeout time of the
response timeout timer of RADIUS server).
RADIUS Scheme view
RADIUS Scheme view
RADIUS Scheme view
RADIUS Scheme view
timer quiet
Use the timer quietcommand to set the wait time for the primary server to restore the active state.
timer realtime-accounting
Use the timer realtime-accounting command to set the real-time accounting interval.
timer response-timeout
Use the timer response-timeout command to set the response timeout time of RADIUS servers.
topology accept
Use the topology accept command to confirm the current topology information of the cluster and save that
as a standard topology.
Cluster view
topology restore-from
Use the topology restore-fromcommand to obtain and restore the standard topology information from
the local flash.
Cluster view
Cluster view
Any view
topology save-to
Use the topology save-tocommand to save the standard topology information into the local flash.
Use the tracemac command to locate a device by MAC address or IP address.
Use the tracert command to trace the gateways the test packets passes through during its journey from
the source to the destination.
Any view
The tracert command is primarily used to check the network connectivity. It can also help you locate the
trouble spot of the network.
Use the traffic-limit command to use ACL rules in traffic identifying and traffic policing for the packet
matching with the ACL rules and to set traffic policing parameters and different actions for packets within
the traffic limit and packets beyond the traffic limit.
Ethernet Port view
Web command: Device -> ACL/QoS -> QoS
traffic shape
Use the traffic-prioritycommand to use ACL rules in traffic identifying and specify a new priority for
the packet matching with the ACL rules.
Ethernet Port view
Ethernet Port view
Use the traffic-redirect command to use ACL rules in traffic identifying and redirect the packets
matching with the ACL rules to the specified port.
Use the traffic-remark-vlanidcommand to use ACL rules in traffic identifying and perform the VLAN tag
remark operation on the packets matching with the ACL rules.
Ethernet Port view
Ethernet Port view
Use the traffic-shapecommand to enable traffic shaping and send the packets out at an even rate.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
Use the traffic-statisticcommand to use ACL rules in traffic identifying and perform traffic statistics on
the packets matching with the ACL rules.
System view
System view
udp-helper enable
udp-helper port
udp-helper server
Use the udp-helper enablecommand to enable the UDP Helper function.
Use the udp-helper port command to configure the UDP port with relay function.
Use the udp-helper servercommand to configure the relay destination server for UDP broadcast packets.
Use the undeletecommand to restore a deleted file.
System view
VLAN Interface view
User view
Use the usercommand to switch to a specified user.
FTP Client view
After logging into an FTP server, you can switch to another user by using the usercommand.
Using user-interfacecommand to enter one or more user interface views to perform configuration.
System view
user privilege level
Use the user-name-format command to set the format of the user names to be sent to RADIUS server.
RADIUS Scheme view
Use the user privilege level level command to configure the command level that a user can access
from the specified user interface.
User Interface view
FTP Client view
Use the verbosecommand to enable the verbose function, which displays execution and response
information of other related commands.
Use the virtual-cable-test command to enable the system to test the cable connected to a specific port
and to display the results.
Ethernet Port view
System view
Use the vlan command to enter the VLAN view.
Web command: Device -> VLAN
vlan-mapping modulo
vlan-vpn enable
Use the vlan-assignment-modecommand to set the VLAN assignment mode on the switch.
Use the vlan-mapping modulocommand to map VLANs to specific spanning tree instances.
Use the vlan-vpn enable commandto enable the VLAN-VPN function for a port.
ISP Domain view
MST Region view
Ethernet Port view
vlan-vpn tpid
Use the vlan-vpn tpidcommand to set a TPID value for a port. The setting takes effect only when the
VLAN-VPN or VLAN-VPN uplink function is enabled.
Ethernet Port view
System view
vlan-vpn tunnel
Use the vlan-vpn tunnelcommand to enable the BPDU tunnel function.
3Com Switch 4200G Family
Command Reference
vlan-vpn uplink enable
Use the vlan-vpn uplink enablecommand to configure a port to be a VLAN-VPN uplink port.
Ethernet Port view
voice vlan
Use the voice vlancommand to enable the voice VLAN function globally.
System view
Web command: Device -> Voice
voice vlan aging
voice vlan enable
Use the voice vlan aging command to set the aging time for a voice VLAN.
Use the voice vlan enablecommand to enable the voice VLAN function for a port.
System view
Ethernet Port view
voice vlan mac-address
Use the voice vlan mac-addresscommand to set a MAC address used for a voice VLAN to identify voice
System view
voice vlan mode
Use the voice vlan mode autocommand to configure an Ethernet port to operate in the automatic voice
VLAN mode.
Ethernet Port view
System view
voice vlan security enable
Use the voice vlan security enablecommand to enable the voice VLAN security mode.
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